A triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer, also known as QqQ, is a tandem MS method in which the first and third quadrupoles act as mass filters and the second causes fragmentation of the analyte through interaction with a collision gas—it is a radiofrequency-only quadrupole, and can be used in either SIM or scan mode. The method can be used to obtain structural information or for quantitation. For structural mass spec, a common sequence is product ion scan, precursor ion scan, and neutral loss scan, followed by selected reaction monitoring (SRM) or multiple reaction monitoring (MRM).
Model: 1. Thermo Scientific - TSQ Quantum Ultra |
A triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer is a particularly useful method for all stages of pharmaceutical development, it is a reliable option for many applications, such as clinical research, food safety, forensics, environmental, and proteomics.
(1) Full scan acquisition resulting in the typical total ion current plot (TIC)
(2) Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM)
(3) Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) or multiple reaction monitoring
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Name:Yan-Jung Lee
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