The BD LSR II optics and digital electronics have created a more sensitive
flow cytometer that yields more information from each sample. The BD LSR II flow cytometer is fully configurable with four fixed-aligned, air-cooled lasers. By distributing a large number of fluorochromes over four lasers, reduce spectral overlap and improve sensitivity. Fixed alignment provides consistent and stable day-to-day performance.
Four-laser: Blue Laser (488 nm), Red Laser (633 nm), Violet Laser (405 nm) and Yellow Green Laser (561nm).
The BD LSR II Blue Laser System provides solid-state 488 nm with the ability
to detect 6-colors utillizing fiber optic technology. The digital acquisition system
allows for inter- and intra beam (if additional laser are added) compensation as
well as the ability to threshold on any parameter.
The BD LSR II Red Laser Option has a JDS Uniphase HeNe laser at 633
3-colors from the 633 nm laser.
The BD LSR II Violet Laser Option is a Coherent VioFlame Violet laser at 405
3-colors from the 405 nm laser.
The BD LSR II Yellow Green Laser Option is a Melles Griot Diode-pumped solid state laser at 561nm. The optics included in this option allows the ability to detect an additional 4-colors from the 561nm laser.
Function (application):
13 colors at the same time.
Example Data:
Name:Hsiao-Ting Lee
Tel No.:+886-7-312-1101 ext:2371#23