


    The BD LSR II optics and digital electronics have created a more sensitive

flow cytometer that yields more information from each sample. The BD LSR II flow cytometer is fully configurable with four fixed-aligned, air-cooled lasers. By distributing a large number of fluorochromes over four lasers, reduce spectral overlap and improve sensitivity. Fixed alignment provides consistent and stable day-to-day performance.


    Four-laser: Blue Laser (488 nm), Red Laser (633 nm), Violet Laser (405 nm) and Yellow Green Laser (561nm).

  1. BDTM LSR II Blue Laser System

The BD LSR II Blue Laser System provides solid-state 488 nm with the ability

to detect 6-colors utillizing fiber optic technology. The digital acquisition system

allows for inter- and intra beam (if additional laser are added) compensation as

well as the ability to threshold on any parameter.

  1. BD TM LSR II Red Laser Option

The BD LSR II Red Laser Option has a JDS Uniphase HeNe laser at 633

  1. The optics included in this option allows the ability to detect an additional

3-colors from the 633 nm laser.

  1. BD TM LSR II Violet Laser Option

The BD LSR II Violet Laser Option is a Coherent VioFlame Violet laser at 405

  1. The optics included in this option allows the ability to detect an additional

3-colors from the 405 nm laser.

  1. BD TM LSR II Yellow Green Laser Option

The BD LSR II Yellow Green Laser Option is a Melles Griot Diode-pumped solid state laser at 561nm. The optics included in this option allows the ability to detect an additional 4-colors from the 561nm laser.

Function (application)

  1. The BD LSR II contains four fixed alignment lasers and the ability to detect up to

13 colors at the same time.

  1. Application of special functions:
  2. Signaling molecules analysis
  3. The cell cycle of the living cells analysis
  4. Ratiometric analysis
  5. Multi-parameter immune cell functions
  6. Special fluorescent proteins detection
  7. Quantum dots application

Example Data





Name:Hsiao-Ting Lee

Tel No.:+886-7-312-1101  ext:2371#23


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