The moorLDI2™ imagers are able to map tissue blood flow over areas from 5cm x 5cm up to 50cm x 50cm with 256 x 256 pixel resolution; - each pixel being an actual measurement. At high scan rates, over 64,000 measurements are made in less than 5 minutes.
The imagers are suitable for a wide range of clinical and research investigations and measurement of blood flow in the microcirculation. The moorLDI2™ range features a CCD camera which produces a colour image of the scanned area, making the positioning and comparison of images easier. The moorLDI2-HR™ highest resolution version is available with resolution to 100 microns.
Model: Dual wavelength system 633 and 830nm lasers are combined to allow simultaneous imaging with the two wavelengths. |
blood perfusion image
Example Data:
Name:Yan-Jung Lee
Tel No.:+886-7-312-1101 ext:2371#27